Privacy and confidentiality | Commissioner for Resources Safety & Health Skip to content

Privacy and confidentiality

Privacy and confidentiality were paramount considerations in the development of the survey.

The survey did not ask for any personal information that could be used to identify respondents.

Some demographic questions were asked to segment responses into groupings to help identify potential trends within segments of the workforce, such as the difference in trends between the coal mining, mineral mining and quarrying sectors. This data cannot be used to identify individual respondents or minority workgroups.

All free text responses were reviewed and de-identified to ensure they did not contain information that could be used to identify an individual.

All collected responses are stored securely in Australia, and the data provided was used only in agregate with the responses of all survey participants for reporting purposes.

The survey was carried out in compliance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld).

If you have any questions about survey privacy, or would like further information, please contact the commissioner’s office at

Terms of use and disclaimer

The Commissioner for Resources Safety and Health has a licence negotiated with Safer Together to use their Safety Culture Survey Tool to survey an unlimited number of participants and use the results. The modified tool is known as the Mining Industry Safety Reporting Survey.

Intellectual property rights over the data collected by the Commissioner from use of the Mining Industry Safety Reporting Survey is the Commissioner's property and not the property of Safer Together.

Your identity will be kept confidential and you will not be asked to provide personally identifying information.

This survey is intended for people currently employed in the Queensland mining industry and is subject to copyright. Do not copy, share, download or forward this to anyone and please contribute to its effectiveness by responding only once.

When you are given an opportunity to submit free-form responses in this survey, please provide relevant and responsible responses; refrain from disparaging, offensive, harassing or otherwise inappropriate language; and refrain from including any sensitive information of any kind (e.g. personal information of any person), or any confidential or proprietary information belonging to your employer or any other party.

Your anonymous responses in this survey will be used by the Commissioner for Resources Safety and Health to analyse the industry more broadly and identify areas of improvement.

Online responses will be processed and stored securely on a third-party server in Australia and managed by the Commissioner.

While the Commissioner has made every effort to design, build, host and manage the Queensland Mining Industry Safety Reporting Survey online tool to industry best practice standards, the Commissioner does not warrant that the online survey tool is free of viruses or other harmful components.

Paper-based responses will be processed and stored securely by a third-party provider in Brisbane and managed by the Commissioner.

While the Commissioner has made every effort to design, distribute and manage the Queensland Mining Industry Safety Reporting Survey paper survey to industry best practice standards the Commissioner is not responsible for the loss or damage of paper surveys in transit to the Commissioner’s office or to the third-party provider.

The Commissioner will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from this survey, including, but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential damages.

Last updated: 26 Mar 2024